ABSTRAK Kehamilan, Persalinan, Nifas, Bayi Baru Lahir merupakan kondisi yang normal. Kondisi tersebut dikatakan normal karena tidak ada komplikasi dan akan terus berlangsung normal ketika diberikan asuhan kebidanan secara komprehensif. Namun, kondisi kehamilan ini bisa berubah menjadi abnormal ketika terjadi komplikasi pada kehamilan, persalinan dan nifas. Tujuan dari asuhan kebidanan ini ad…
Early mobilisation is very important and must be done by post partum mother ofter take rest for a while ofter labor. Motivation in doing early mobilisation is one of examine which must be done ofter give birth few a hour later. This research has aim for knowing the relation mother motivation with doing early mobilisation post partum in RSUD Ploso Kecamatan Ploso Kabupaten Jombang. The kind of t…
How can mothers who are tired and sick of post birth feels more need attention.This condition causes mother feel depression, depression this usually lasts up to 14 days of age give birth lack of support from the husband to be aggravating circumstances psychic mother, this is because the husband was the first to notice any change in her partner. Based on a preliminary study in BPM Anis Sa’adah…
Sexual relations at the time after childbirth should not have to hurry - rushed, better done at 40 days after parturition. But the perception of postpartum women about sexual intercourse after parturition is less understood, several factors puerperal women do not have sexual intercourse beforehand, including trauma, fear, and anxiety. The purpose of the study to determine the understanding of p…
Motivation is karateristik of psychology human being giving contribution at this storey komitmen some one. Matter inclusive of factors causing, channelling and maintaining behaviour of human being in certain intention direction. From result of antecedent study done in BPM Anis Sa'Adah Amd . Keb there are 10 people of mother child bed and 3 mother child bed tell to take care of the string center…
Difficulty eating an inability to eat certain foods and reject. Feeding difficulties in infants will affect the nutritional status of a child by a preliminary study on May 16, 2014 in the village of Jombang Plandaan Plabuhan Subdistrict in 15 mothers who have children aged 1-5 years, 10 mothers did not know how to respond to children who have difficulty eating and 5 the other mothers know how t…
Post partum depression adepressionvariesfromdaytodayby showingfatigue, irritability,disturbancesof appetite andloss of libido. Based on preleminary conducted in BPM NikenKinesti village of GabusBanaranJatiWates district of Tembelang on March 6th 2014, of 12 puerperal womenare included 7 people experienced sad, disappointed, often crying, anxiety, worry, nafsumakanmenurun, and irregular sleep, a…
The lock of maternal attitudes in monitoring the growth of children aged 3-5 years due to lock of awareness of mothers about the importance of monitoring the growth of children aged 3-5 years and feeling lazy. in early childhood paradise Tambakrejo Al Jombang Jombang District of experiencing problems in monitoring the growth of children aged 3-5 years that is equal to 66.7%. The purpose of this…
ABSTACTrnScabies is parasite infection to skin that caused by Sarcoptes Scabies varians Hominis. Personal Hygiene is know to have a role scabies. Based on study result before to Islamic Student SMA Islamic Boarding School Al-Munawaroh Sub-District Diwek Jombang, from 78 Islamic Students that having scabies as many as 34 students. Purpose of the research is to analyze the effect of personal hyig…
Problem of difficulty of eating to toddler is complex and need to be observed factors of cause. Role of parents are very important in growth and development of toddler. Because of that, group of toddler age is necessary to paid attention, because they are group of troubled to lack of nutrition. By preliminary study held to 12 parents that have toddlers in Grogol village known that parents get k…