Mellitus diabetic has been the caused of 4,6 million death. On other side, spending cost for mellitus rndiabetic healthy has reached 465 billion USD. Complication that happened to diabetic patient type rnsecond type, can cause paint and it will make patient addicted to manage diet design. Dependent pati ent rnin organizing diet is caused the lack knowledge and lack motivation in taking care of…
Awareness of the importance of breast feeding colostrum is still low, due to the presence of Culture rncontributes to the behavior of individuals and groups of people, cultures can menompa health behavior rnand health may worsen. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of culture on the rnprovision masyarat colostrum in infants in rural districts Kesamben Ngoro Jombang district…
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease that can cause a variety of complications that affect the quality of life very disabling and should receive serious attention from all sides (tan Pinem et al, 2012). Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 lead to a chronic hyperglycemia accompanied by a variety of metabolic disorders due to hormonal disturbances that cause a variety of chronic complications in …
Domain knowledge is very important for the formation of a person's attitude. Based onrnresearch Rahmadiliyani (2006) in Sukoharjo, there is a significant relationship betweenrnknowledge of the disease and complications in DM patients with blood sugar controlrnmeasures. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of knowledge withrnattitude prevent…
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS to transvestites is knowledge that can get to be reference in preventing rnHIV/AIDS. Knowledge that is not enough can cause transvestites infect HIV/AIDS, caused by their rnnegative sexual activity. Attitude of sexual activity is respond that done because of there is sex rndesire. From result study before to transvestites, gained there 18 transvestites hooker and 13 …
Gastritis is a kind of health problems in the community and one of the diseases that are often found in clinics, / room in the disease in general. gastritis increased 5-6 this year due to wrong eating habits. This disease occurs with greatest frequency in individuals between the ages of 14-44 years. The purpose of this study was to determine description diet gastritis in patients with PHC Jelak…
Diphtheria is known as a very dangerous infectious diseases in children. East Java is the biggest rncontributor of diphtheria cases in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is knowing mother motivation in rnthe prevention of diphtheria to child aged 5-11 years old in the Cukir Village, Diwek District, Jombang rnRegency.rnThe design used in this study is descriptive. The population…
Diarrheal disease is a disease-based environment, a factor that drives the occurrence of rndiarrhea are factors, environment and behavior. These two factors interact with human rnbehavior. Based on the data, cases of diarrhea in 2013 encountered cases of diarrhea in health rncenters Bareng and 5037 cases of diarrhea in infants and health centers Bareng as many as rn1426 cases were most numerous…
Elderly (elderly) requires daily health care, this is due to a decline in the health of elderly age andrnphysical limitations. Health problems faced by the elderly in the utilization of health services, the rnelderly are less utilize health services. The role of health workers to motivate the elderly to come tornposyandu very necessary. Motivation elderly to come to the neighborhood health cent…
Mental retardation is not a disease, but rather a result of a pathological process characterized brainrnfunctions of adaptive intellectual limitations. Because there are also developmental retardationrnintelligence emotional life that may affect the relationship between the human (Benjamin, 2010). The rnpurpose Penetian To determine social behavior in children with mental retardaasi being in SL…