The behavior of the elderly in the management of diabetes mellitus effort is still far fromrncomplete, like many elderly people who still can not manage your diet, limit fatty food sandrncarbohydrates, not routinely check blood sugar and lack of exercise. In apreliminary study inrnthe elderly with diabetes mellitus of 10 respondents in 7 behaves get negative results and 3rnbehave positively. Th…
The attitude of adolescents in coping with acne at this time there is a positive as well as rnnegative, but in fact there are still many among teenagers who are being negative, it is rnwrong in handling dikarena acne and cause various problems such as acne, teenage rnattitude memencet-mencet anti acne cream dabble without knowing the condition of the rnskin first, personal hygiene is lacking, …
Personal hygiene that adverse have impact on degree someone health so there are many child rnwhich experience pain as diarrhoea, itches, cacingan. Child on age 10-12 year constitute rnvulnerable group to diseased infection because point instilling on personal hygiene stills to rncontemn. Its materializes tall personal hygiene motivation, need to mark sense wish of thyself or rnaspiration, but t…
Hypertension affects more by men who rarely exercise and a diet high in fat and cholesterol.rnFor a can of hypertension for years without realizing until there is sufficient weight of vitalrnorgans at risk of death. From the file Jombang city Health Department in 2012 patientsrnreach as much as 21 444 inhabitants. From the results of the preliminary study showed thatrnthe elderly are one of the…
Liquor are all types of beverages contoining alcohol (chemical's name is ethanal). At the present time manyrnteens who scy thot rnfu rndrinking liquor their confidence grow rnfom rna coward become brave, they assume thatrnall problems can be solved by drinking liquor, liquor cun raise up rnfriends. rnBut, the rnfoct rnalcohol can dmnagernthe process of thinki…
One of the problems arising from the increase in the elderly population is the increase in the elderlyrndependency ratio (the old age dependency ratio). The more elderly person, the physical ability will be rndecreased, which would cause a decline in the role - social role. This result is also impaired in terms ofrnearning his living, so as to increase the depend…
Remaja adalah masa transisi antara masa kanak-kanak dan dewasa, dimana terjadi rnpacu tumbuh, terjadi perubahan psikologi dan kognitif. Saat ini masih banyak remaja rnputra yang kurang mengerti dan kurang memperhatikan bahaya merokok. Sehingga rnmereka banyak mengalami gangguan dalam kesehatannya. Pendidikan kesehatan rnsangatlah penting karena berpengaruh terhadap kebiasaan, sikap dan pengetah…