Many women experience problems due to the difficulty of exclusive breastfeeding breast milk out so rnthat mothers choose to replace it with formula. Breastfeeding pattern is closely related to the return of rnfertility, which can be measured either by the return of the menstrual cycle after childbirth. The rnpurpose of this study was to determine the relationship of exclusive breastfeeding with…
Snack food has been the part that can’t be separated from the life of community, especially to rnelementary school and consuming snack food has been common habit, but the children that rnhas less knowledge about this snack food can impact to attitude and their habit in consuming rnsnack food. This research is to know the relation the knowledge 4-6 grade with consuming rnsnack food attitude in…
The mother’s education level can be used effects due to family health education can reduce rnhisresignation when sick. This study aimed at identifying the influence of health education toward rnmather’s attitude in prevention acute respiratory infections to child 1 – 4 years old.rnThe research is pre experimental with Design one group pretest – posttest design. The population rnis all…
Typhoid fever is an infectious disease that is found in the gastrointestinal tract with symptoms ofrnfever. Compress is a method of maintaining the temperature of the warm liquid or regular using to rnreduce fever sufferers temperature. This study aim to know difference in effectiveness between thernwarm water compress to compress the ordinary water to decrease the tem…
Early Initiation of Breastfeeding is a program that is issued by WHO / UNICEF in 2007, instead ofrnmothers who breastfeed infants, but infants should actively find their own mother's nipple. In sixrndeveloping countries the risk of death among infants aged 9-12 months increased by 40% if the babyrnis not breastfed. Aims to determine the relationship of attitudes to the role of health workers in…
Parenting parents is one of the factors that influence adolescent behavior. If one way parents inrnparenting, the child will behave indirectly negative. A number of major cities in Indonesiarnindicated that about 20 percent to 30 percent of teens admitted to having had sexual intercourse.rnThe purpose of this study is to determine Parenting Parents Relationship With Sexual Behavior inrnAdolesce…
Tingginya kasus kanker leher rahim disebabkan minimnya sikap atau kesadaran untuk rnmelakukan deteksi dini.Selain itu, rasa keingintahuan masyarakat Indonesia juga dinilai masih rnrendah, khususnya ibu-ibu. Ditambah lagi masih berkembangnya persepsi di setiap masyarakat rnkita bahwa sarana pelayanan kesehatan seperti puskesmas dan rumah sakit hanya sebagai tempat rnuntuk berobat saja, itu artin…
Masa-masa remaja adalah masa yang mencari identitas diri dengan kelompok rnteman sebaya ( peer group), hal ini dapat perdampak positif bisa juga berdampak rnnegatif. Apabila berdampak positif dapat juga mempengaruhi prestasi belajar,rnkarena dalam kelompok teman sebaya bisa saling bertukar fikiran dan bisa rnmemecahkan masalah bersama dengan cepat.rnDesain penelitian ini adalah Analitik Crossec…
The high disability due to stroke every stroke patients resulted in decreased independence in rnperforming activities of daily living. The number of stroke patients who continue to increase until rnthe year 2013 is estimated 500 thousand persons had a stroke. Of this amount, about 2.5% of them rndied and the rest suffered mild or severe disability, and preliminary studies showed there were 50…
The pain of menstruattion that experienced by female teenager force them to take rest in several rnhours or several days, and they have cramps. Dismenore causes 14% female teenager often not rnenter to school. This research was know the effect of compress warm water to intensity of the rndismenore pain in Al Munawaroh Female Cottage Jomban.rnThe research experiment pretest-posttest design. The …