Diarrhea is a disease with high morbidity in Jombang district, in 2013 patients with diarrhea atrnthe age of 5-14 years a number of 514 people. Based on preliminary study 9 of 10 childrenrnconsuming snacks in schools, 5 of 10 children with diarrhea. This study aimed to determine therneffect of school snacks consumption patterns on the incidence of diarrhea in school-age children.rnResearch desi…
Adolescence is a transitional period in one's life. Puberty is also a vulnerable time for rnyoung adolescents were given the turmoil as the emergence of a boost curiosity high due rnto frequent associate and integrate with society today. The role of parents, especially the rnmother's role is crucial in the process of finding self-esteem puberty, provide guidancern…
Hospital patient safety is a system where hospitals make patient care safer and prevent injuries rncaused by faults due to carry out an action or not take action that should be taken. This could happen rndue to a lack of knowledge of nurses about the concept of prevention of nosocomial infection. The rnpurpose of this study was to know the relationship of nurses’ knowledge with the effort of…
Obesity has become world healthy epidemic problem. In 2008, more then a half billion adult rnpersons affected obesity. At least 2,8 million people died every year because of obesity or rnexcess weight body (World Health Organization, 2012). Prevalence of obesity to the children rnat age pre-school in this world as many as 33%. It’s prevalence increase not only in the rnadvanced countries but …
Chronic Renal Failure Disease is grouped as chronic and dangerous disease. It Usually rnneeds long time to cure it and continuity medication. This Continuity medication will make rnphysical disturbance, psychological and social of chronic renal failure patient. Advise and rnfamily support can give physical and mental effect of chronic renal failure patient that rnundergoing Hemodialysis. This …
Being anursein the hospitalis a very heavy job, which required a strong work motivation to achieve optimal rnserviceof patients. To achieve this nurses should avoid factors that affect work motivation, that is stress. Thernpurpose ofthis study to determinerelation of nurse’s stress with nurse’s work motivation. The design method rnused in this study was Cross Sectional. The population w…
Baby nutrition status is not only affected by food intake deficiency, but alsornindirectly by other’s nuptials early married age. The hoisterous of nuptials early rnmarrie can bring less impact both for baby nutrision, because as mother rndetermine food menu for his him. Common target of this research is to analyse rnwoman merrie age early with status of baby nutrition in count…
Patients with type 2 diabetic mellitus will experience physical and psychology disorders because they have to adjust to change in diet, medication, routin control in living their daily lives. These change twilite adaptability patients type 2 diabetic mellitus. Spiritual support can improve peoples ability to cope with the suffering. The purpose of know this study correlation support the spiritu…
Growth of optimal school age children depends on nutrition provision with good and true quality rnand quantity. Food and snacks that did not meet the requirements of health and nutrition would rnthreaten the health of children. Empowerment minister said that about 6.7 million school age rnchildren or 27.3% of all school age children in Indonesia suffered from malnutrition. The purpose rnof this…