The high disability due to stroke every stroke patients resulted in decreased independence in rnperforming activities of daily living. The number of stroke patients who continue to increase until rnthe year 2013 is estimated 500 thousand persons had a stroke. Of this amount, about 2.5% of them rndied and the rest suffered mild or severe disability, and preliminary studies showed there were 50…
The pain of menstruattion that experienced by female teenager force them to take rest in several rnhours or several days, and they have cramps. Dismenore causes 14% female teenager often not rnenter to school. This research was know the effect of compress warm water to intensity of the rndismenore pain in Al Munawaroh Female Cottage Jomban.rnThe research experiment pretest-posttest design. The …
Parenting parents greatly affect the behavior of the students discipline, some of the parents there who do rnnot use proper upbringing for their children, the purpose of this study was to determine the relationship rnof parenting with the level of discipline of children aged 7-8 years. rnThe design of this study is to use analytic cross sectional approach. The population i…
Discipline is the key to achieving the goal of an organization, so the discipline of work must be rnconsidered by the organization. There are several things that can affect labor discipline, one of rnwhich is job satisfaction. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship between work rndiscipline with the level of job satisfaction of nurses in Hospital Islam Khasanah Muhamadiyah rnM…
Massage the baby is able to make the baby calm, increase growth and weight gain, Although infant massage rnhas great benefits for the baby, but in reality, many mothers do not do massage on the baby. They will be rnmassaging her baby on infant massage healer when they are fussy baby alone. Based on preliminary studies, rn2013 in BPM Ny. Farochah S.ST, Pulo Village Tawangsari Jombang District of…
The role of parents is an important component in the education of children. This requires a rndirect contact that can be realized in the form of parental support on children. Motivation to rnlearn can be stimulated by external factors, such as through parent support and motivation to rngrow within one's self. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between family rnsupport and…
Preeclampsia is hypertensions’ growth accompanied proteinuria and edema after age of rnpregnancy 20 weeks. Study before at 20-27 March 2014 gained that 10 preeclampsia mothers have rnborn baby with normal of weight body. There 7 and 3 babies with BBLR. This research is to rnanalyze relation preeclampsia to baby birth weight body in RSUD Dr. Soegiri in Lamongan. rnCross Sectional with using Re…
One form of service that should be given to the birth mother is the delivery assistance by health rnprofessionals. The low coverage of births attended by health personnel can be influenced by the rnattitudes and behavior of the mother in choosing birth attendants. Preliminary studies were conducted rnin the villages that the power rods 4 pregnant women will go into labor kebidan answer while 1 …
The role of the husband is in need of prenatal care for the mother and infant birthrnsmoothness. Changes in male involvement in pregnancy, birth and earlyrnparenthood that happen so quickly shows that most men in antenatal classes do rnnot have a lot of role models in the field. Earlier, a man who wants to assist in thernmaternity hospital, which carried her in a sling …
One of the problems occurred nursing care is that nurses’ work motivation is low resulting from rnthe management functions of the head of the room. Management functions of planning, organizing, rndirecting, and monitoring. Based on preliminary studied conducted in Kertosono hospital of total rn54 respondents, from interviews on 10 nurses, 6 nurses staded head room management fuctions rnhad n…