The spread of HIV is still concentrated in key populations where transmission occurs through heterosexual risk behaviors such as Gay and Bisexual. In addition HIV can be transmitted through sexual contact with an infected with HIV without using a condom. Based on preliminary studies that have been conducted on May 17, 2014 through the interview results obtained from 4 Female Sex Workers there a…
Pre menstrual syndrome to represent physical symptom corps, psychological, andrnemotion which related to cycle menstruate consistence and woman happened during phase ofrnluteal of cycle menstruate effect of change of hormonal related to moment cycle of ovulasirnand menstruate. In East Java woman which enter gynaecology around 40% from 500 womanrncomplaining the problem of before happened to men…
Number of puerperal women who consumed vitamin A capsules in Indonesia is still low at 51.65% of the target of 90% coverage. Based on preliminary studies in an interview in Puskesmas Jabon, of 5 respondents midwife, the midwife said to give 3 capsules of vitamin A on maternal puerperal 2 times, 1 midwife said to give a capsule of vitamin A on maternal puerperal 1 time as midwife lazy to take a …
Problem that faced is Exclusive Breast-Feeding promotion loses far from milk formula promotion. rnIn order that the important of breast-feeding intake awareness to baby is still low. Many causes rnlack of coverage of exclusive Breast-Feeding, that factors such as mother, that is mother sometime rnfeels stress just like confused situation or complicated mind, scare, and anxiety. This research is…
Elderly behavior in meeting of rest needs is still far from expectation, such as at present many ofrnelderly do not know about needs his rest and and many of elderly are often consuming food orrndrink that contains caffeine and alcohol. The purpose of this research was to identify the behaviorrnof elderly in meeting his bed rest need in village of Spanyul district of Gudo Jombang regency.rnThe …
There is still a lack of awareness of Indonesian women in the early detection of breast rncancer, even many Indonesian women do not know how early detection of breast cancer rnto be one of cause of breast cancer incidence rates large enough apart from factors of rnunhealthy lifestyle. Simple examination for early detection of Anomalies that occur in the rnbreast is to examine their own breasts …
Change attitudes toward mother natural menopause in the mother or this woman's irritability, depressed, lonely, anxious, limp and there is also a woman who feels lost his pride because of decreased physical and sexual attraction, they feel not needed anymore by her husband and children. Based on preliminary study ever conducted on May 7, 2014 in the hamlet of the village of Kedung Bendo Source…
Female genitalia has been created with the best possible shape to support its functions in accordance with the rnnature of women. Given its function is so vital, then it should maintain the health and hygiene of women of rnreproductive external properly. Based on the interview on Thursday at 09:00 pm, April 10, 2014 in the SMK rnPancasila Mojowarno District of Jombang obtained that 15 girls e…
Fourth visit of pregnant women is pregnant women who get antenatal care according to rnstandards at least four times the Antenatal Care. With the results of a preliminary study rnthat was conducted by interviews in pregnant women in the work area of dukuh Klopo rnhealth center on May 20, 2014 obtained of 2 pregnant women, one pregnant women with rngestational age of 32 weeks gestation rarely c…
Pewarna sintetis atau pewarna buatan mempunyai kekuatan mewarnai rnlebih kuat. Konsumsi makanan dengan pewarna buatan yang berlebihan rnmenimbulkan iritasi pernafasan dan pencernaan. Mahasiswa beranggapan rnmakanan yang bewarna mencolok lebih menarik dan lezat untuk dinikmati. rnBerdasarkan studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan peneliti pada tanggal 7 Februari rn2013 di STIKes ICME Jombang dengan…