The low level of knowledge of adolescent teens cause them do not know about the rndisruption of the menstrual cycle so it causes an uncomfortable feeling. In fact, there are rnsome teenagers have irregular menstrual cycles positively do not deviate from health and rnsome teenagers deviate from health, so it causes a negative attitude. From interviews with rn10 young women in the class X and XI …
Emesis is a complaint by majority of mothers during pregnancy, it’s often be experienced rnat 5-14 weeks gestational age.Emesis usually mild and can be prevented, however emesis rncan be hyperemesis, it’s mean over nausea and vomiting that can lead to nutritional rndeficiencies, dehydration, weight loss and electrolyte imbalance.This research aims to rndetermine mother’s behaviour during …
Lack of coverage achievement of K4 Visitation is caused by less of motivation from mother to check her pregnancy soon. In 2013, K4 Coverage in Jombang as many as 85,06% Sub district in Jombang have the lowest achievement as many as 70,34 that is 479 service of mother pregnancy from total pregnant mother 681 and in Sub district Jombang K4 achievement has the lowest in Village Jombang as many as …
Seorang remaja yang masih dalam masa mencari jati diri selalu berusaha rnmencoba hal yang baru, sehingga apabila tidak adanya kontrol dari orang tua maka rnkalangan remaja tersebut akan terjerumus dalam sikap negatif. Seringnya remaja rnnongkrong di pinggir jalan, sampai larut malam, sehingga pada saat itu sering digunakan rnuntuk minum minuman keras dengan berbagai jenis minuman. Berdasarkan…
Presentation visit of pure antenatal care (K-1) to health service each year hasrndecreased. This problem is required to get attention so it does not constantly occur. Thernpurpose of this study was to identify the motivation of pregnant women in visiting purernantenatal care (K-1) in Mangunan Village, Kabuh Subdistrict, Jombang Regency, EastrnJava province.rnThis research design used in this st…
Kehamilan diluar nikah pada masa remaja menjadi masalah tersendiri apabila rnmereka masih dalam tahap menempuh pendidikan. Ketidaktahuan remaja akan rnperubahan alat reproduksinya menjerumuskan ke jurang kehancuran. Mereka harus rnkehilangan keceriaan masa remaja dan menanggung beban kehidupan yang belum siap rndihadapinya. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan di SMK Pancasila rnMojowa…
An anxiety is individual condition or group experience worried (assessment orrnopinion) and autonomic nerve activity in responding to the threats that are not obvious orrnnon-specific. Anxiety is a term that is familiar with the daily life that describe the state ofrnworry, anxiety of uncertainty, fear, unrest and sometimes accompanied by physicalrncomplaints. This study aims to determine the m…
Sex Education (Sex Education) is guiding and caring for a person to understand the meaning, function, andrnpurpose of sex so that he can distribute well, and rightly. Low level of mother’s knowledge and lack of rndesire to motivate children about sex education also have an impact on the effect of their children’s attitude rnabout the introduction of reproduction tools is less. Based …
A eating patterns is the way in which a person to choose, and using a food ingredient in food consumption rnevery day which include the type of food, number of food and eating frequency. Based on the preliminary study rnon May 24, 2014 in Manduro village Kabuh Sub district of the Jombang District.on 30 mothers who have rnchildren aged 3-5 years, 76,6% mothers do not know how to gives a healthy …
Antenatal Care (pregnancy examination) is very importantly known by pregnant women because it can help to reduce maternal and infant mortality.Based on preliminary studies conducted in the Jombang village in april of 10 responden who 4 pregnant and 6 pregnat. Pregnant women who rarely checked their pregnancies can increase the risk of pregnancy complications , because with regular pregnant …