Diabetes Mellitus Pragestasi merupakan kondisi seseorang yang sudah terkena diabetes mellitus, rnkemudian hamil. Sehingga penyakit diabetes mellitus itu menetap pada diri seseorang tersebut.rnyang mana kadar gula darah melebihi batas normal. Hal ini merupakan suatu komplikasi obstetrik rnyang dapat langsung terjadi sejak trimester pertama, kedua hingga ketiga kehamilan, serta dapat rnm…
Diabetes mellitus often known as diabetes in the community. Diabetes mellitus patientsrnwill experience various physical complaints that affects mental state of the patientsrncharacterized by excessive perspiration, tingling feeling in the feet, and the increasing ofrnpatient's urine at night. Based on the results of a preliminary study at clinic on 4 Junern2014 after interviewed 10 patients sh…
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases with characteristic hyperglycemia that rnoccurs due to abnormal insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 rnis caused the relative failure of β cell and insulin resistance. Blood glucose levels in rnpatients with uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 will lead to various one rncomplications is coronary heart diseas…
Mellitus diabetic has been the caused of 4,6 million death. On other side, spending cost for mellitus rndiabetic healthy has reached 465 billion USD. Complication that happened to diabetic patient type rnsecond type, can cause paint and it will make patient addicted to manage diet design. Dependent pati ent rnin organizing diet is caused the lack knowledge and lack motivation in taking care of…
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease that can cause a variety of complications that affect the quality of life very disabling and should receive serious attention from all sides (tan Pinem et al, 2012). Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 lead to a chronic hyperglycemia accompanied by a variety of metabolic disorders due to hormonal disturbances that cause a variety of chronic complications in …
Domain knowledge is very important for the formation of a person's attitude. Based onrnresearch Rahmadiliyani (2006) in Sukoharjo, there is a significant relationship betweenrnknowledge of the disease and complications in DM patients with blood sugar controlrnmeasures. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of knowledge withrnattitude prevent…
Non Infectious disease of diabetic pantient, beside caused by unhealthy life style or not obedience of rnpatient. This obedience caused by some factors that is no time or patient is too busy, ignorance of patient rnabout management of diabetic patient, economy factor and socio cultural. Principle of diet to diabetic rnpatient is reducing and managing consumption of carbohydrate so that not bec…
The behavior of the elderly in the management of diabetes mellitus effort is still far fromrncomplete, like many elderly people who still can not manage your diet, limit fatty food sandrncarbohydrates, not routinely check blood sugar and lack of exercise. In apreliminary study inrnthe elderly with diabetes mellitus of 10 respondents in 7 behaves get negative results and 3rnbehave positively. Th…
Diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 in the majority of countries have developed as a result of rnsocial and cultural fast change, the ever increasing aging population, increasing urbanization, rndietary changes, reduced physical activity and unhealthy behavior patterns Type 2 diabetes rnmellitus is a chronic disease who need long-term care and require management self-care (self-care) and support fr…
Patients with type 2 diabetic mellitus will experience physical and psychology disorders because they have to adjust to change in diet, medication, routin control in living their daily lives. These change twilite adaptability patients type 2 diabetic mellitus. Spiritual support can improve peoples ability to cope with the suffering. The purpose of know this study correlation support the spiritu…