When a woman is pregnant, the inconveniences occur as a result of various factors hormonal changes that occur in pregnant women, as for personal hygiene needs is the most important and highly needed for pregnant women, such as: skin care, breast, teeth and gums and vulva-vaginal. However, there are still many pregnant women are lacking in the implementation of personal hygiene behavior, but goo…
Exclusive breast milk is breast feeding without food and beverage company (including juice, honey and sugar water), which commenced from newly born baby until the age 6 months. Based on a study introduction in an interview in the village Kauman district Ngoro Jombang District on the date may 19, 2014 from 3 Mother’s multigravida there are 2 mother multigravida do not want to give Exclusive Br…
Provision of contraceptive injections are common side effects such as weight gain and breast pain. Besides the side effects of injectable KB 3 months also cause psychological disturbance problems one of which is depression. Based on the results of a preliminary study with interviews conducted on 13 April 2014 from 10 (100%) acceptors are experiencing side effects weight gain obtained results: 1…
An increase from year to year cases of dengue fever to children in asia countries in infants. WHO stated that about 50-100 million cases dengue fever each year. Based on a preliminary study on 10 march 2014 in the selorejo village of 11 mothers known that 6 mothers in measures prevention dengue fever are still lacking, the purpose of this research is to study the behavior of mother in the…
For pregnant there is a physiological and psychological changes in doing sexual intercourse. Pregnant sex passion usually decreases, because of nausea and fatigue that will affect their desire for sexual intercourse decreases. In the third trimester, physical discomfort usually increases again because women are fear of miscarriage and babies are born prematurely. Based on preliminary studies…
Injection birth control program contraceptive has several negative effects such us amenorea, spotting, queasy, and weight changing. Problem that often appears is bleeding which is not regular and blood spot or great bleeding during several months using Depo Provera. According to the study which is held on April 13, 2014 in Sumobito Village, 15 of 3 months injection birth control program accepto…
Many mothers who breastfed her postpartum does not immediately exit after childbirth andrnpostpartum mothers are still some who do not immediately give colostrum (breast milk first came rnout) because of the information and belief that one obtained from a preliminary. study dated Marchrn28, 2014. Purpose of this study to determine the time expenditure and provision of …
Anemia pada kehamilan merupakan masalah nasional karena mencerminkan nilai kesejahteraan rnsosial ekonomi masyarakat dan pengaruhnya sangat besar terhadap kualitas sumber daya rnmanusia.anemia dalam kehamilan disebut”potential danger to mother and child” (potensial rnmembahayakan ibu dan anak) memerlukan perhatian serius dari semua pihak yang terkait dalam rnpelayanan kesehatan pada lini t…
Angka kematian ibu masih cukup tinggi, hal tersebut menandakan adanya berbagai rnmasalah kesehatan khususnya pada perempuan yang belum terselesaikan. Setiap wanita rnmenginginkan persalinannya berjalan lancar dan dapat Melahirkan bayi yang sehat. Ada rndua cara persalinan, yaitu persalinan normal dan persalinan dengan tindakan sectio rncaesarea. Persalinan dengan Resiko kematian ibu yang m…
Tingginya angka kematian kasus dengan jarak kehamilan terlalu dekat, dapat terjadi pada kejadian rnabortus terjadi karena adanya beberapa faktor diantaranya, kegagalan KB, kurangnya pengetahuan. rnTujuan penelitian melaksanakan asuhan kebidanan komprehensif pada Ny.”N” dengan jarak rnkehamilan terlalu dekat pada di BPM Julia Fatmawati, Amd.Keb Desa Ngelo, Kecamatan rnMojowarno, Kabupaten Jo…