Kehamilan diluar nikah pada masa remaja menjadi masalah tersendiri apabila rnmereka masih dalam tahap menempuh pendidikan. Ketidaktahuan remaja akan rnperubahan alat reproduksinya menjerumuskan ke jurang kehancuran. Mereka harus rnkehilangan keceriaan masa remaja dan menanggung beban kehidupan yang belum siap rndihadapinya. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan di SMK Pancasila rnMojowa…
An anxiety is individual condition or group experience worried (assessment orrnopinion) and autonomic nerve activity in responding to the threats that are not obvious orrnnon-specific. Anxiety is a term that is familiar with the daily life that describe the state ofrnworry, anxiety of uncertainty, fear, unrest and sometimes accompanied by physicalrncomplaints. This study aims to determine the m…
Sex Education (Sex Education) is guiding and caring for a person to understand the meaning, function, andrnpurpose of sex so that he can distribute well, and rightly. Low level of mother’s knowledge and lack of rndesire to motivate children about sex education also have an impact on the effect of their children’s attitude rnabout the introduction of reproduction tools is less. Based …
A eating patterns is the way in which a person to choose, and using a food ingredient in food consumption rnevery day which include the type of food, number of food and eating frequency. Based on the preliminary study rnon May 24, 2014 in Manduro village Kabuh Sub district of the Jombang District.on 30 mothers who have rnchildren aged 3-5 years, 76,6% mothers do not know how to gives a healthy …
Antenatal Care (pregnancy examination) is very importantly known by pregnant women because it can help to reduce maternal and infant mortality.Based on preliminary studies conducted in the Jombang village in april of 10 responden who 4 pregnant and 6 pregnat. Pregnant women who rarely checked their pregnancies can increase the risk of pregnancy complications , because with regular pregnant …
Utilization of antenatal care service by some pregnant women in Indonesia has not been fully accordance with guidelines set, this tends to complicate health workers in giving coaching health care of pregnant women regulary and entirely. Included an early detection on the importance factor pregnancy risk to be handled soon. Based on prelimary studied in the bongkot village with interview result …
Hormonal Contraception influences menstrual pattern caused by low of estrogen dose, excess of progesteron hormone or big progestin dose, can be also caused by lack of progesterone so it can make irregular bleeding, Spotting, Amenorea and bleeding in the middle of monthly cycle. Based on preliminary study in Kabuh village on 13 April 2014 gets 10 acceptors of 1 month injection KB where 9 accepto…
Perawatan perineum salahsatuperawatandiri, untukmembantumempercepat proses pemulihanibu pada masa nifas. DidesaMojoduwur,ada 7 ibunifas yang tidakmampuuntukmelakukanperawatan perineum sehinggamenyebabkanluka perineum tidakkering, Hal inidikarenakan adanya perilaku ibu dalam melakukan perawatan perineum yang masih menggunakan cara tradisional(bubuk bata, sirih). Tujuanpenelitianadalahmengetahui…
One of the problems of nutrition at children who need attention is vitamin A deficiency or deficiencies. Lack of vitamin A is a major cause of blindness in Indonesia. It is estimated at one time as many as 3 million children are vitamin A deficiencyblindness, and as many as 20-40 million suffer from vitamin A deficiency at the level lighter. Indonesia is said to have been ree of the problem of …
Nowadays, there are kinds of contraception method like IUD, implant, injection, condom, tubectomy, vasectomy and contraception pill (Manuba, 2007). All contraception methods have side effect. This Side Effect causes problem to acceptor of IUD contraceptions. So that it is worried about decreasing of mothers’s interest to choose contraception that will impact to mother’s behavior about side …