Examination of haemoglobin levels can used some method. Method cyanmeth is method examination of haemoglobin levels that recomended by WHO and ICSH (International Commette For Standarization in Haematology). But in Indonesia sahli method that not recomended is much still use.The purpose of this researce is analyze the significant difference of haemoglobin levels using cyanmeth method and sahli …
Fungus on the nails is a fungal infection of one or more of the nail. Causes of fungal nail infection rnare usually caused by a fungus that belongs to a group of dermatophyte fungi. Fungal infections of rnthe nail strike the person in contact with dirty water, moist environment, and wet. Fun gal infections rnof the nails in Indonesia, one of them in the District Besuki village of Tulungagung. T…
Infection by cestode was zoonotic. One of them is Taeniasis. Cow will be infected byrnTaenia saginata because eating grass contaminated eggs or proglotid gravid. Wormrndisease in cattle was economically harmful because the cow suffering worm disease willrnhave problems of body weight gain. If the cow infected Taenia saginata was consumedrnby human it will cause …
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases with characteristic hyperglycemia that rnoccurs due to abnormal insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 rnis caused the relative failure of β cell and insulin resistance. Blood glucose levels in rnpatients with uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 will lead to various one rncomplications is coronary heart diseas…
High of uric acid level in blood will sediment to joint as crystal shaped a needle with indication ofrngout. Gout arthritis including a disease with high enough prevalence. Data of public medicalrncenter Peterongan Jombang, elderly that check up him self from January to March 2014 a numberrnof 325 people with total of arthritis are 205 people. Part of this arthritis is uric acid a number of 64r…
Landfills trash is the place where the last rubbish reached the stage in management has since rnstarted arising at source, collection, transfer or transport, processing and disposal. Landfill lot rncontains ingredients like microorganisms, the presence of bacteria, parasites, viruses that can rncause hazard for humans. One of them is wormy on a scavenger which directly interact with the rnwas…
Checking serum glucose used as screening dibetes mellitus. Many people who checked into the rnhospital serum glucose to ensure that a person is affected by diabetes mellitus. But they never knew rnhow the checks carried out by officers of his laboratory, they always assume that the results are rnissued always accurate. The reality in the field so many error checks carried out by officers of t…
Osteoporosis is an issue across the country and become a global health issue. The high incidence of osteoporosis is caused by people who adopt unhealthy lifestyles, reduced physical activity and a balanced diet. Bone mass reaches a maximum at the age of 30 years, will lead to loss of calcium at the age of 50 years so that the greater the risk of fractures due to osteoporosis is greater. This st…
Consume vitamin A can increase breastfeeding quality, the immune body. Continuity of kids lifernand neural vision development. But coverage consumption vitamin A still low so can lack thernattitude of puerperal mother in consumsing vitamin A. Te purpose of tis research is tho know thernattitude of third trimester pregnant mother in consumsing vitamin A in Pucangsimo Village,rnBandar Kedungmulyo…
Drill well was one of artificial wells made with drilling tools to achieve a enough well rndepth, so that it will meet with abundant groundwater source. Clean water did not rnnecessarily indicate that water from bacterial contamination, hygiene and bacterial rncontamination in water well very closely related to the surroundings of well. The rnpresence of bacteria in water source can be used a…