Perubahan menstuasi merupakan alasan utama beberapa peserta KB suntik menghentikan penggunaan suntik. Efek samping awal yang tidak terprediksi membuat peserta merasa takut jika tidak haid, maka hal tersebut pertanda kehamilan atau penyakit. Di Desa Gemaharjo dari 10 peserta KB suntik 3 bulan, 5 (50%) orang tidak mengalami haid, 2 (20%) orang mengalami haid teratur, 2 (20%) orang mengalami siklu…
rnHUBUNGAN BUDAYA PATRIARKI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN WUS MENJADI AKSEPTOR KELUARGA BERENCANA (DI DESA SEKETI KEC. MOJOAGUNG KAB. JOMBANG)rnrnrnJUERATUN NISWAH*, SITI ROKHANI**, DEVI FITRIA SANDI***rnrnABSTRAKrnrnPermasalahan utama yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan program keluarga berencana pada umumnya karena kultur masyarakat yang masih memegang erat nilai-nilai budaya, hal tersebut memungkinkan rend…
STUDI KOMPARATIF PENGETAHUAN TENTANG KONTRASEPSI PADA AKSEPTOR YANG MENGGUNAKAN KONTRASEPSI rnHORMONAL DAN NON HORMONALrn(Studi Di RT.01 RW.01 Kumai Hilir, Kecamatan Kumai, Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah)rnrnPurwanti*Rahaju Ningtyas**Eko Sari Ajiningtyas***rnrnABSTRAKrnrnPengetahuan yang kurang dapat mempengaruhi pandangan seseorang, sulit dalam pengambilan keputusan d…
Knowing the acceptors motivation for replacing KB injection with long-term contraception method (LTM).rnThis study was conducted on 23-24 june 2014 at BPM Ny. Sri Hardi Rahayu, Amd.Keb Sumobito Village District of Sumobito Kab. Jombang by using design deskriptif that is design aims to describe (explain) events that occurred in the present, the research instrument using a questionnaire whose pop…
Hormonal Contraception influences menstrual pattern caused by low of estrogen dose, excess of progesteron hormone or big progestin dose, can be also caused by lack of progesterone so it can make irregular bleeding, Spotting, Amenorea and bleeding in the middle of monthly cycle. Based on preliminary study in Kabuh village on 13 April 2014 gets 10 acceptors of 1 month injection KB where 9 accepto…
Injection birth control program contraceptive has several negative effects such us amenorea, spotting, queasy, and weight changing. Problem that often appears is bleeding which is not regular and blood spot or great bleeding during several months using Depo Provera. According to the study which is held on April 13, 2014 in Sumobito Village, 15 of 3 months injection birth control program accepto…