Kecemasan yang sering terjadi pada penderita stroke dapat menimbulkan penurunan kondisi kesehatan, kualitas hidup dan perasaan positif sehingga penderita stroke mengalami hambatan pada proses penyembuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh cognitive behavior therapy terhadap kecemasan pada penderita stroke di Ruang Flamboyan RSUD Jombang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif…
DM merupakan penyakit kronik yang jika tidak dikelola dengan baik akan menyebabkan rnterjadinya berbagai komplikasi kronik, baik mikroangiopati maupun makroangiopati. Komplikasi -komplikasi jangka panjang yang dapat ditimbulkan akibat DM menyebabkan klien DM memerlukan rnperilaku penanganan perawatan diri secara khusus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan rnSelf Care Behavior pas…
Contraceptions are efforts to prevent pregnancy. The efforts can be temporary or permanent. One of them is hormonal contraception like contraception pill, injection and implant. KB pill is kind of contraception many used. KB Pill is liked because it is easy to get and use, also cheap price. But many acceptors of KB Pill choose drop out cause mothers haven’t understood well how to use KB Pill …
Personal hygiene is an act to maintain hygiene and health, one of health problems that rnneeds to get attention is on the elderly, many elderly are less able to maintain theirrncleanliness that cause body itching, dandruff on hair / fleas, untidy appearance, dirty rnnails can be a nest of germs and hearing loss due to ear wax. The purpose of the studyrnwas to describe the behavior of t…
Diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 in the majority of countries have developed as a result of rnsocial and cultural fast change, the ever increasing aging population, increasing urbanization, rndietary changes, reduced physical activity and unhealthy behavior patterns Type 2 diabetes rnmellitus is a chronic disease who need long-term care and require management self-care (self-care) and support fr…