HUBUNGAN PERAWATAN BAYI DENGAN KEJADIAN DERMATITIS ( Di Desa Badas Kecamatan Sumobito Kabupaten Jombang) Wuri Muninggar* Hidayatun Nufus**Siti Shofiyah*** ABSTRAK Seorang bayi tentu daya tahan tubuhnya terhadap berbagai penyakit masih lemah dibandingkan dengan orang dewasa, karena itu orang tua bayi dan para tenaga medis harus lebih peka dengan kondisi seorang bayi terlebih terhadap b…
Basically on each baby there are risk factors that allow for dermatitis. The majority of mothers who have babies with dermatitis had received information about of factors affect dermatitis. According to the result of a study introduction on 8 May 2014 that have been carried out in the Trawasan village Sumobito district Jombang regency than 10 baby obtained outcome 3 a baby or 30% of infants not…