ABSTRAK rnFormalin sebagai bahan pengawet sudah lama dilarang penggunaanya oleh pemerintah namun masih saja dijumpai. Penggunaan formalin pada ikan asin dimaksudkan untuk memperpanjang umur simpan. formalin dapat menyebabkan gangguan hati apabila masuk kedalam tubuh. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan ada 2 sampel ikan yang dijual di Pasar Peterongan Jombang positif mengandung formalin dengan …
ABSTRAK Pendahuluan tahu merupakan bahan pangan dengan kandungan protein yang tinggi dan kadar air mencapai 85%, sehingga tahu tidak dapat bertahan lama. Produsen tahu masih menggunakan formalin sebagai pengawet. Upaya untuk menurunkan kadar formalin pada tahu yaitu dengan direbus dalam air mendidih. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh perebusan dengan air mendidih ter…
Formalin was banned food additives used in food, but it was still found in food such as Bakso. This rnstudy aimed to know the result of qualitative analysis of formalin in Bakso at Candimulyo VillagernJombang District Jombang Regency. rnThis study was descriptive. Population of this study was all selling Bakso at Candimulyo VillagernJombang District Jombang Regency as many as…
Pindang fish is a the processed products which had much cache of society. Fish pindang also containing proteins and amino acids. The use of formalin on pindang fish play a role as a preservative so it is white shiny and spongy and no easily decomposed. The effects of the use of formalin on pindang fish, causing cause irritation of the stomach allergic, spatially karsiogenik ( cause cancer ). Th…
Salted fish is a food made of fish meat preserved with salt and add a lot of known people as a daily rndiet that is generally very popular and have a high power of digesbility. Processing of salted fish are rntraditionally almost require sunlight to speed drying, the problem the Sun doesn't always shine with rnenough every day, especially in the rainy season where overcast clouds often cover th…