A newborn baby should be given complete basic immunization until the age of 9 months to protect baby's body is still susceptible to the disease. Side effects of immunization are usually small ulcers that will arise will break after 4-6 weeks. And it will cause the mother to feel anxious about the symptoms caused especially to those who first gave birth. rnThis research aim is to know the know…
rnImunisasi sebagai usaha pencegahan berbagai jenis penyakit, merupakan suatu kebutuhan yang tidak dapat ditunda pelaksanaannya. Lemahnya motivasi ibu dalam mengimunisasi BCG anaknya disebabkan adanya ketakutan ibu untuk mengimunisasi BCG pada anaknya akan menjadi panas, dan terdapat bisul pada bekas suntikan. Studi pendahuluan pada tanggal 15 April 2014 pada 10 ibu yang mempunyai bayi usia 1-2…
BCG (Bacillus Calmette Guerin) immunization is very important for babies,but many mothers are not aware of it. This ini due to the lack of awareness of mothers to prevent disease and busy work in the fields making no time to bring her baby for BCG immunization. Based on preliminary studies with an interview on 10 mothers with babies,3 have strong motivation and 7 have weak motivation to immuniz…