ABSTRAK HUBUNGAN BEBAN KERJA DENGAN KEPUASAN KERJA PERAWATIGD (Studi Di RSUD Jombang) Oleh: CHOIRUL ARIFIN Perawat merupakan tenaga penting dalam pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit khususnya di IGD, mengingat pelayanan keperawatan diberikan selama 24 jam secara terus menerus. Pelayanan keperawatan bermutu, efektif dan efisien dapat tercapai bila didukung dengan jumlah perawat yang …
Discipline is the key to achieving the goal of an organization, so the discipline of work must be rnconsidered by the organization. There are several things that can affect labor discipline, one of rnwhich is job satisfaction. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship between work rndiscipline with the level of job satisfaction of nurses in Hospital Islam Khasanah Muhamadiyah rnM…