ABSTRAK rnPemberian ASI termasuk kolostrum tanpa tambahan apapun sejak bayi lahir itu sangatlah penting. Dipedesaan masih sering kita jumpai banyak ibu yang tidak memberikan kolostrum karena kurangnya pengetahuan tentang kolostrum. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk pengetahuan ibu hamil di Desa Curahmalang Kecamatan Sumobito Kabupaten Jombang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah pra eksper…
Many mothers who breastfed her postpartum does not immediately exit after childbirth andrnpostpartum mothers are still some who do not immediately give colostrum (breast milk first came rnout) because of the information and belief that one obtained from a preliminary. study dated Marchrn28, 2014. Purpose of this study to determine the time expenditure and provision of …
Awareness of the importance of breast feeding colostrum is still low, due to the presence of Culture rncontributes to the behavior of individuals and groups of people, cultures can menompa health behavior rnand health may worsen. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of culture on the rnprovision masyarat colostrum in infants in rural districts Kesamben Ngoro Jombang district…