HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN DENGAN SIKAP SUAMI TENTANG METODE KONTRASEPSI VASEKTOMI rn(Studi Di RW: 04 Desa Cukir Kecamatan Diwek Kabupaten Jombang)rnrnHendri Dwi Handayani* Irma Nurmayanti** Nining Mustika Ningrum***rnrnABSTRAKrnrnKeikutsertaan program KB didominasi oleh wanita dengan anggapan istri harus menuruti segala keinginan dari suaminya, termasuk dalam penentuan pemakaian kontrasepsi, serin…
One of the problem in the national family planning’s program is the lack of husband participation rnfor family planning and reproduction healt implementation. Nothing equals of the gender push people rnto choose attitude for vasectomy contraception. Based on preliminary studies in the Mojokambang’s rnVillage nothing has acceptor of vasectomy contraception. They mind that the detriment of v…