PENGARUH PENYULUHAN MEODE CERAMAH DENGAN KEMAMPUAN IBU DALAM MENCEGAH MILIARIA PADA BALITA (Di Wilayah Kerja BPM Lilis Zuniarsih, Amd. Keb Desa Banjarejo, Kec. Sumobito, Kab. Jombang) Kusnul Khotimah*Inayatul Aini** M. Karisto*** ABSTRAK Indonesia merupakan daerah tropis sehingga seringg terjadi miliaria, karena cuaca yang panas sangat berpengaruh untuk terjadinya miliaria terutama p…
Miliaria is a skin deviation due to the sweat glands closed that caused sweat retention. Based the rnresearch by World Health Organization (WHO) predicted about 80% miliaria patient by the world, rn65% of them are babies. The numbers of Miliaria patient in Indonesia is about 40% because rnlocated in the tropics area that has very high air humidity. The symptoms of Miliaria are marked rnitch red…
About problem which often been faced by mother in teaches and nurse baby be its skin care, rnoftentimes baby suffer from dermatitis, as miliaria. Mothers cares worn on balitanya who strikes rnmiliaria and often asks to others about how to prevent and nurse balita that strikes miliria (kringet rnstifled). But in reality mothers just give powder a only it for remove itchiness. Suppose mother can …