Jumlah perempuan terinfeksi HIV-AIDS dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat. Tingginya kasus HIV AIDS di Mojokerto memerlukan intervensi melalui program PMTCT, namun tujuh ibu hamil hanya mendapatkan pelayanan ANC rutin di UPT Puskesmas Sooko Kecamatan Sooko Kabupaten Mojokerto Provinsi Jawa Timur tanpa mendapat pengetahuan tentang HIV-AIDS serta Prevention of Mother To Child Transmision (PMTCT)…
Toilet training was the practice to implant the ability of children to urinate and cleaned the bowel activities on its place. Toilet training could be take place in the children’s life in the age of 18 – 24 months old, because in that age the children had been have a language capability to understand and communicate. But most of the children in the age of 5 years old still like to clean the…
Contraceptions are efforts to prevent pregnancy. The efforts can be temporary or permanent. One of them is hormonal contraception like contraception pill, injection and implant. KB pill is kind of contraception many used. KB Pill is liked because it is easy to get and use, also cheap price. But many acceptors of KB Pill choose drop out cause mothers haven’t understood well how to use KB Pill …
Puerperal time (postpartum) continues for 6 weeks, start after placenta is born and ends when uterus equipment is back just like before pregnant. Puerperal time is time that very risk to get infection that is due influx bacteria to genital area at childbirth and puerperal. One of the routes they get in through the injury of childbirth mark because after childbirth there is often the rip of per…