HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN DENGAN MINAT IBU HAMIL TRIMESTER III DALAM MELAKUKAN PREGNANCY MASSAGE (Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Plandaan, Kecamatan Plandaan, Kabupaten Jombang) Nofi Sukma Afika* Hidayatun Nufus,SSiT., M.Kes** Siti Shofiyah, SST., M.Kes*** STIKES Insan Cendekia Medika Jombang ABSTRAK Selama hamil ibu mengalami perubahan-perubahan, beberapa ibu mengalami kekakuan atau ketidaknyama…
The lack of knowledge of adolescents about sex and reproductive health and adolescent attitudes that tend to have sexual relations outside of marriage which leads to unwanted pregnancies. Based on preliminary studies in vocational Pancasila District of Mojowarno on 15 female students obtained 7 people know about unwanted pregnancy, 5 people to know most about unwanted pregnancy and 3 people do …
Colostrum is breast milk (ASI) that coming out first and containing of body immunity. But People perceive that colostrum is stale milk. ASI that coming out first (yellowish) is not good for baby. First ASI/colostrums is very a little so that baby is hungry and crying. And still many people have negative perception about giving colostrums to baby. The purpose of this research to identify percept…