KADAR YODIUM PADA GARAM BUTIRANrn(Studi di Desa Baban Kecamatan Gapura Kabupaten Sumenep)rnrnrnDesi Arisandi*Sri Sayekti**Farach Khanifah***rnrnABSTRAKrnrnYodium adalah salah satu mineral penting bagi kehidupan manusia karena yodium sangat diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan, perkembangan serta fungsi otak. Akan tetapi, sebagian besar masyarakat di desa Baban masih tidak mengetahui kandungan yodium ya…
lack of iodine due to a lot of people who still use salt that is not beryodium, this is because of the attitude of the public that all salt is equally salty taste. A preliminary study on doing an interview in the village of Plandaan sub-district of Plandaan Ticino in April 2014.rnThe purpose of the research was to determine the attitude of Mother Teentang the use of salt Beryodium in the villag…