Early initiation of breastfeeding is the nipple search behavior of mother shortly after birth, the first hour is expected to be able to brestfeed their own babies and managed to find the mother. Phenomenon that exists today is the lack of management of early initiation of breastfeeding caused one support from family, especially the husband earned less mothers to early initiation of breastfeedin…
Beginning for early breastfeeding will reduce 22% of baby’s death aged under 28 day. rnBassed on petition that send by (AIMI) association of Indonesia breatfeeding mother to rnpresident of indonsia , said lack of support family and husband making mother often doesn’t rnhave spirit to breastfeeding her baby,. The purpose or this research to husband’s attitude rnabout (IMD) early breastfeed…
Early initiation of breastfeeding the begining of the feeding activity within the first hour after birth. However, the current phenomenon is the low management of early breastfeeding initiation (IMD), one of which is caused due to lack of knowledge and motivation to implement the IMD pregnant women during childbirth. Pregnant women are less aware of the pre-birth treatments that can be done in …
Early Initiation of Breastfeeding is a program that is issued by WHO / UNICEF in 2007, instead ofrnmothers who breastfeed infants, but infants should actively find their own mother's nipple. In sixrndeveloping countries the risk of death among infants aged 9-12 months increased by 40% if the babyrnis not breastfed. Aims to determine the relationship of attitudes to the role of health workers in…
Secara tidak langsung lama pengeluaran plasenta mempengaruhi terjadinya perdarahan, rnyang erat kaitannya dengan pelaksanaan inisiasi menyusu dini. Kematian maternal 50% terjadi rndalam 24 jam pertama. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa hubungan inisiasi menyusu dini rn(IMD) terhadap lama pengeluaran plasenta pada persalinan normal di Ruang Bersalin RSUD Dr. rnIskak Tulungagung Propinsi …
Saat ini Inisiasi Menyusu Dini (IMD) belum banyak dilakukan karena rendahnya pengetahuan rnibu, kurangnya pelayanan konseling laktasi dan dukungan dari petugas kesehatan, faktor sosial rnbudaya dan gencarnya pemasaran susu formula. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa perbedaan rnkonseling terhadap keberhasilan Inisiasi Menyusu Dini (IMD) pada ibu bersalin di Ruang Bersalin rnRSUD Dr. Iska…