Pendahuluan: Ansietas (kecemasan) ibu hamil adalah reaksi ibu hamil terhadap perubahan dirinya dan lingkungannya yang membawa perasaan tidak senang atau tidak nyaman yang disebabkan oleh dugaan akan bahaya atau frustasi yang mengancam, membahayakan rasa aman, keseimbangan atau kehidupan seorang individu atau kelompok sosialnya. Hal tersebut dapat terjadi salah satunya akibat perubahan hormonal …
Relaxation is a process of rest of the body and the mind from all the burden of physical and psychological, that she became more tranquil. Based on the study of the prelude an the 11th of november- 7 december 2013 in BPM Lilis Z. Sumobito Jombang from 9 mother primigravida five of them were not doing relaxation at the time of childbirth and 4 of them do relaxation at the time of childbirth that…
Every mothers who experienced pregnancy there must be a change in attitude, decides to get pregnant when husband and wife have to be really prepared with all the changes that will occur physical changes in either the mother or attitude. Maternal attitude change caused by psychological vulnerability of each person different. Preparation of physical, mental, and material necessary and mutually su…
Despite of ANC service coverage was high, only half of women globally who received ANC service at least 4 times as recommended by WHO. Based on preliminary study conducted on 10 Primigravida mother with interview was oobtained 4 pregnant women said routinely check their pregnancy in accordance with the date set by midwife, 6 pregnant women said not want to check their pregnancy due to their pr…
Tingginya Angka Kematian Ibu sering kali terjadi karena adanya istilah 3 terlambat yaitu : terlambat mengambil keputusan dalam memberi pertolongan pada ibu hamil dan melahirkan, terlambat membawa ke tempat pelayanan kesehatan dan terlambatnya tenaga medis memberikan pertolongan. Keterlambatan ini dapat terjadi salah satunya karena kemiskinan dan pengetahuan yang rendah terhadap tanda-tanda pe…