Penyakit stroke dapat berdampak terhadap pasien mengalami self care deficit dan membutuhkan bantuan keperawatan yang berkesinambungan agar secara bertahap pasien dan keluarga dapat melakukan aktivitas sehari- hari secara mandiri. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis hubungan terapi ROM aktif dengan pemenuhan Activity of Daily Living (ADL) pasien pasca stroke di poli saraf RSUD Jombang. Desain …
Peningkatan usia harapan hidup dan populasi lansia menjadi persoalan penting karena penurunan fungsi tubuh yaitu beradaptasi dengan stres yang berasal dari lingkungan sehingga berpengaruh besar terhadap sehat dan sakit, baik menyerang fisik maupun psikis dan gangguan yang sering terjadi yaitu psikofisiologis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan tugas perkembangan lanjut usi…
Puerperium is a period that begins after the placenta came out and ends when the womb tools returned to pre-pregnant. The big problem for puerperal women was a nutritional problem. This was due to the avoidance of some food. Based on preliminary study that researcher did to eight respondents in Mentaos Village Gudo District Jombang Regency was only two respondents who had a good diet. The purpo…
Diabetes in pregnancy is not enough known by pregnant women in general.rnPregnant women who have had a history of having a baby with 4000gr weight or obesernmothers often ignore it and without further examination in subsequent pregnancies. Thernpurpose of this study is to identify how much the attitude of pregnant women withrndiabetes mellitus in pregnancy.rnThis research is descriptive. The po…
The adaptation behavior of patients after attack stroke which have not been optimal and rnlack of families member ability in providing handling after stroke will influence on treatments rnfastness after strokepasca. In 2012 the sufferers of stroke were as many as 69625 people. rnThe purpose of this research was to determine the adaptation behavior of patients afte r rnattack stroke in Flamboya…
Obesity has become world healthy epidemic problem. In 2008, more then a half billion adult rnpersons affected obesity. At least 2,8 million people died every year because of obesity or rnexcess weight body (World Health Organization, 2012). Prevalence of obesity to the children rnat age pre-school in this world as many as 33%. It’s prevalence increase not only in the rnadvanced countries but …
HIV merupakan virus yang menimbulkan penyakit HIV/AIDS. Virus ini dapat beresiko pada ibu rnhamil. Namun tidak semua ibu hamil bersedia melakukan tes HIV/AIDS pada masa kehamilannya. rnTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa hubungan konseling dengan sikap ibu hamil pada rnpelaksanaan tes HIV pada kehamilan.rnRancangan penelitian ini analitik. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu hami…