Labor is scary and painful time for mother and labor process can attract mother’s emotion but this time the participation of men in reproductive health was still very low. There are many husbands have not been able to demonstrate full support to the process of labor. There was 68% of labor in Indonesia which is not accompanied by husband during labor. This study aims to know role of husband i…
Masa remaja sebagai masa transisi membuat kondisi kejiwaan pada remaja masih labil, rendahnya rnpemahaman remaja tentang pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi yang benar, serta seksualitas yang rnmasih dianggap tabu memunculkan penyimpangan reproduksi, seperti seks bebas Fenomena yang rnjuga terjadi di Indonesia saat ini yaitu beberapa kasus remaja usia 10-24 tahun yang berstatus belum rnmenikah tel…