Diabetes mellitus often known as diabetes in the community. Diabetes mellitus patientsrnwill experience various physical complaints that affects mental state of the patientsrncharacterized by excessive perspiration, tingling feeling in the feet, and the increasing ofrnpatient's urine at night. Based on the results of a preliminary study at clinic on 4 Junern2014 after interviewed 10 patients sh…
Formalin was banned food additives used in food, but it was still found in food such as Bakso. This rnstudy aimed to know the result of qualitative analysis of formalin in Bakso at Candimulyo VillagernJombang District Jombang Regency. rnThis study was descriptive. Population of this study was all selling Bakso at Candimulyo VillagernJombang District Jombang Regency as many as…
Faktor affecting sleep disorders on elderly ( study in the village spanyul sub-district gudo district rnjombang ) elderly found often distruption in fulfillment of sleep. It will be worse when elderly notrnnotice his health, or elderly not do sports. Research purposes this is identify problem of factors rnaffect sleep disorders on elderly in the village spanyul sub-district gudo district jomba…
Examination of haemoglobin levels can used some method. Method cyanmeth is method examination of haemoglobin levels that recomended by WHO and ICSH (International Commette For Standarization in Haematology). But in Indonesia sahli method that not recomended is much still use.The purpose of this researce is analyze the significant difference of haemoglobin levels using cyanmeth method and sahli …
Many mothers do not understand about obesity in children mother argues that a fat childrnis a healthy child and funny . Obesity is one cause of groups of non-infectious diseases. rnBased on a preliminary study of 25 mothers who have children aged 0-5 years obtainedrn20 mothers who have not understood about obesit yet. The purpose of this study to rndetermine the…
Many mothers who breastfed her postpartum does not immediately exit after childbirth andrnpostpartum mothers are still some who do not immediately give colostrum (breast milk first came rnout) because of the information and belief that one obtained from a preliminary. study dated Marchrn28, 2014. Purpose of this study to determine the time expenditure and provision of …
Hospitalization is a urgency or planned condition, that require children to stay in hospital, getting rntherapy and care until comeback home. During the process, the children and parents can rnexperience occurance. According to several researches showed with very traumatic experience and rnfull of anxiety.. anxiety is a worriness, fear of something which will happen connected with rnunknown s…
Fungus on the nails is a fungal infection of one or more of the nail. Causes of fungal nail infection rnare usually caused by a fungus that belongs to a group of dermatophyte fungi. Fungal infections of rnthe nail strike the person in contact with dirty water, moist environment, and wet. Fun gal infections rnof the nails in Indonesia, one of them in the District Besuki village of Tulungagung. T…
Elderly age is identical with decreased function of the body, so that the elderly have a risk of rnexperiencing health problems, one of which is hypertension. Treatment of hypertension in rnfarmakalogi is to take medicine regularly. The fact that there is, still found a family that give little rnattention to its role in the implementation of the drug (5B) in the elderly with hypertension. Thi…
The low information which received by the elderly causes less know the elderly aboutrnintregrated service post of elderly (posyandu), so there were many elderly people who did notrncome to intregrated service post of elderly (posyandu). Based on preliminary studies withrninterview techniques on 22 May 2014 in the hamlet Spanyul, Spanyul village, District ofrnGudo Jombang, on 9 elderly found tha…