The quality of swimming pool water that don’t fulfill the condition will cause healthy rnimpact to the visitors. One of swimming pool water pollution can be caused by Coli rnbacteria (Coliform bacteria).rnThis research was aimed to know the quality of swimming pool water in Jombang city rnbased on bacteriological that used MPN method.rnThe design of researd that used is descriptive, with 8 sw…
Rice is the most important staple food in the menu of the community. The use of chlorine on rice intended to change the standard of the medium rice be like super quality rice so it could attract consumers.The use of chlorine has an effect on rice erode intestines and stomach. This research aims to know the presence of chlorine in the rice on sale in the markets of Legi Jombang.rnThe design of t…
Pityriasis capitis is a problem experienced by many people, ranging from children to the elderly rncan suffer from Pityriasis capitis. One of Pityriasis capitis is cause growth of fungus in a dirty rnscalp due to perspiration, sebum glands, and the growth of microorganisms is excessive.rnThe design of this research is descriptive, with a student population of Diploma level III Health rnAnalyst …
Pindang fish is a the processed products which had much cache of society. Fish pindang also containing proteins and amino acids. The use of formalin on pindang fish play a role as a preservative so it is white shiny and spongy and no easily decomposed. The effects of the use of formalin on pindang fish, causing cause irritation of the stomach allergic, spatially karsiogenik ( cause cancer ). Th…
Typhoid fever is a disease is still a serious in developing countries, especially provincial area east java.In rneast java rate occurrence typhoid fever in clinic and hospitals successive 4.000 cases per month. And rnfrom 1.000 cases per month by death rate 2 %.In typhoid fever patients infected by germs salmonella rntyphi supress any endotoxin on the outer germ of lipopolisakarida will spur…
Sausage is meat products being diverse and flavoured , derived from latin salsus (salt ). This product rnpopular in public and mostly consumed.In manufacturing, sausage made of fresh meat that has rnplasticity high level. To reducing production cost and then many traders who adds to a substance rnpreservative as borax. Borax have been prohibited its use by PerMenkes no.722/Menkes/Per/ix/88. …
Tomato Catsup is one of products including of processed food group or canned food withrnintermediate moisture food like fresh red porridge that made of tomato. Using RhodaminrnB to tomato catsup by some producers have a purpose to get profit and produce tomatorncatsup with more interesting colour. This research has a purpose to know that there isrnRhodamin B to tomato catsup sold in Legi Market…
Dig wells is one of the most commonly used as a supplier of water originating from the layer of soil rnfrom the ground surface, which are close hence can be easily contaminated through seep. Water rnmay be contaminated by pathogenic bacteria, one of them is the bacterium Salmonella typhi rndisease cause typhoid fever. The transmission of the disease from water sources used, food or drink rnthat…
Persistent blood pressure in the range of high number and for a long time carries dangerous risks.rnUsually, it appears various complications to target organ. One of the complications can make the rnblood vessels of the kidney (glomeruli). So that kidney can not filter and pull out the rest. Therndamage effect occurred creatinine level increase in the body. Early detection wi…
Water is one of important things for human as the prime comsumtion. One of fulfillment rnof drinking necessity that became an alternative is by using drinking water refill. rnEventough it is cheaper, not all of drinking water refill shops can guaranted its safety. rnThis research was aimed to know the test result of Escherechia coli in drinking water rnrefill in Kaliwungu village, Jombang subd…