Hypertension is a condition where if the systolic blood pressure of 140 mmHg or higher andrndiastolic blood pressure 90 mmHg or higher. When blood is flew with high pressure can damagernblood vessel wall and cause a buildup of platelets, fat and cholesterol forming plaquern(atherosclerosis). From various studies are reported that LDL cholesterol having sm…
Wells dig was one of sources clean water supply for society in rural or urban. Escherichia rncoli was bacteria fesses pollution indicator that usually found in water. The existence of . rnEscherichia coli became disease resource carrier, that was diarrhea. Existence of bacteria rnindicator in wells dig indicates not good enough sanitation. The research purpose was to rnknow whether there was …
Salted fish is a food made of fish meat preserved with salt and add a lot of known people as a daily rndiet that is generally very popular and have a high power of digesbility. Processing of salted fish are rntraditionally almost require sunlight to speed drying, the problem the Sun doesn't always shine with rnenough every day, especially in the rainy season where overcast clouds often cover th…
Whitish is one of the many health problems that occur in women of childbearing age. The cause of vaginal rndischarge is a factor of poor hygiene. Vaginal hygiene area must be maintained. If, vaginal area is not kept rnclean will cause various diseases one of which whiteness. Where this can be a factor whitish presence rnparasitic organisms such as bacteria and fungi. This study aims to determin…
Air pollution is the inclusion of a component into an environment with level that exceed normal limits rncan cause pollution or air pollution. The decline of health for parking keepers who work on arncongested road motor vehicles without the use of masks cause coughing, weakness and often fatigue rncaused by breathing smoke of motor vehicles. Based on the preliminary study of parking keeper who…
Examination levels hematokrit can do with II sampling technique that is by using the technique of capillary blood and venous blood using micro method. The technique used is a better examination of venous blood using hematokrit due to the composition and number of red blood cells in the blood veins and capillaries having difference.This research is to analyze the existence of meaningful differen…
Persalinan dengan Sectio Caesarea bukan hal yang baru lagi bagi para ibu maupun golongan rnekonomi menengah keatas, dengan meningkatnya angka persalinan dengan Sectio Caesarea di rnIndonesia masa sesudah persalinan, masa perubahan, pemulihan, penyembuhan, dan pengembalian rnalat-alat kandungan atau reproduksi seperti sebelum hamil yang lamanya 6 minggu atau 40 hari pasca rnpersalinan. …
Nitrit merupakan senyawa nitrogen yang berfungsi sebagai bahan pengawet yang bertujuan agar bahan rnpangan yang dihasilkan memiliki umur simpan lebih lama serta berfungsi untuk memperlambat kerusakan. rnPermasalahan dari penelitian ini adalah penggunaan pengawet nitrit yang berlebihan dalam pengolahan rndaging (sosis). Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kadar nitrit dalam sosi…
ASI merupakan nutrisi yang paling tepat diberikan pada bayi baru lahir sampai umur 6 bulan. Tindakan memerah atau memompa ASI dapat membantu memaksimalkan reseptor prolaktin dan meminimalkan efek samping dari tertundanya proses menyusui oleh bayi. Teknik memerah ASI bisa dengan menggunakan teknik marmet atau dengan teknik breast pump. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan tekn…
Penyakit infeksi pada manusia yang disebabkan oleh jamur di Indonesia masih relatif tinggi dan obat rnantijamur relatif lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan antibakteri. Berbagai literature menjelaskan bahwa kulit rnmanggis memiliki banyak manfaat salah satunya sebagai antijamur. Oleh sebab itu, perlu dilakukan rnpenelitian tentang air rebusan kulit manggis (Garcinia mangostana Linn.) untuk dapat…