ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN KLIEN STROKE NON HEMORAGIC DENGAN MASALAH HAMBATAN MOBILITAS FISIK DI RUANG FLAMBOYAN RSUD JOMBANG *Wahyu Satria, **Kurniawan*Imam Fathoni,***Dwi Harianto Email : ABSTRAK Pendahuluan : Stroke merupakan penyebab kematian nomor dua di dunia setelah penyakit jantung. Stroke menimbulkan banyak berbagai masalah, salah satunya adala…
ABSTRAK Pendahuluan : Stroke atau Gangguan Peredaran Darah Otak (GPDO), merupakan suatu sindrom yang diakibatkan oleh adanya gangguan aliran darah pada salah satu bagian otak yang menimbulkan gangguan fungsional otak berupa defisit neurologic atau kelumpuhan saraf. Tujuan studi kasus ini adalah melaksanakan Asuhan Keperawatan pada klien yang mengalami stroke dengan masalah defisit perawatan …
ABSTRAK Cerebro Vasculer Accident atau stroke merupakan hilangnya fungsi otak yang diakibatkan oleh terhentinya suplai darah ke bagian otak hal ini disebabkan karena tekanan darah tinggi/hipertensi yang dapat menimbulkan gangguan pembuluh darah ke otak terhenti.Menurut WHO (2015) Indonesia menempati peringkat ke 2 penderita stroke di dunia. Tujuan dari asuhan keperawatan adalah memberikan Asuh…
Stroke is a disease caused by an interruption of blood circulation in the brain that result in a person suffering from paralysis or death. In assisting stroke patients in the hospital, the family often experience anxiety state when individuals experience feelings of anxiety in respond to the threats that are not clear. Family anxiety is characterized by the patient's family looked nervous when …
The adaptation behavior of patients after attack stroke which have not been optimal and rnlack of families member ability in providing handling after stroke will influence on treatments rnfastness after strokepasca. In 2012 the sufferers of stroke were as many as 69625 people. rnThe purpose of this research was to determine the adaptation behavior of patients afte r rnattack stroke in Flamboya…
The high disability due to stroke every stroke patients resulted in decreased independence in rnperforming activities of daily living. The number of stroke patients who continue to increase until rnthe year 2013 is estimated 500 thousand persons had a stroke. Of this amount, about 2.5% of them rndied and the rest suffered mild or severe disability, and preliminary studies showed there were 50…
Revolusion of unhealthy people's life styles that cause many people get stroke, so it needs for an rnincreased understanding of the prevention of stroke. Results ofpreliminary studies5out of 10 rnpeople say they know how to prevent stroke, and 5 out of 10 people sayt hey do not know how tornpreventa stroke. The purpose of this study was to know the relationship of t…