Intra uterin device (IUD) merupakan alat kontrasepsi yang memiliki efektifitas tinggi dan terjamin keamanannya, nilai kegagalannya hanya 2%, tetapi akseptor lebih cenderung pada pemilihan kontrasepsi suntik. Penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi yaitu kurangnya motivasi masyarakat khususnya ibu yang berusia 35 tahun terhadap keikutsertaan KB IUD karena berbagai macam alasan.rnDesain penelitian …
patient out of bed and guide him as soon as possible to move / walk. And early mobilization is expected to train post partum women to learn to move right oblique, left oblique, sit or when it's strong learning to walk. The purpose of research is to know the motivation of post partum women in doing early mobilization in village of Gabus Banaran district.Tembelang regency. Jombang.rnThis type of …
Early mobilization is the policy as soon as possible to guide the mother out of bed and guide as soon as possible to walk, due to early mobilization can lead to an increase in body temperature and cause infection. The purpose of this study was to determine maternal motivation in doing post sectio Caesarea early mobilization in room Jasmine RSUD district Jombang.rnThe design study is a descripti…
One cause of mortality in newborns is Jaundice is a yellow color that appears on the skin and mucosa due to increased bilirubin. Based on a preliminary study conducted in BPM Lilis Menganto Village District of Mojowarno in 5 pregnant women pregnant women only one who has made the prevention of jaundice in the form of regular ante natal care, of nutrition and breast care in preparation for early…
Family Planning program is to control birth now is careless concomitant with the autonomy ofrnsome region. Prolific woman has difficultness in taking option the type of contraception, this isrnnot only limited method that provided but also their motivation to use that contraceptionrnmethod. Motivation of prolific mother is weak caused by sense to use another family planningrnmethod besides pill…
Cervical cancer is the most common malignancy found in Indonesia. Every one hour Indonesian’s woman died because of cancer in the last three decades. The high mortality was due to the delay in treatment, approximately 70% comes with advanced stages of the condition. This study aims to analyze the effect of health education towards motivation in cervical cancer early detection of cervical canc…
Persepsi mahasiswa mempengaruhi motivasi belajar mahasiswa dimana rnpersepsi tersebut berasal dari ekstrinsik mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah rnmenganalisa pengaruh persepsi mahasiswa tentang karakter dosen dengan rnmotivasi belajar mahasiswa di prodi D4 bidan pendidik STIKes ICMe Jombang.rnJenis penelitian ini adalah analitik dengan variabel persepsi mahasiswa rntentang karakter dosen …
Rendahnya informasi mengakibatkan rendahnya pengetahuan tentang tanda-tanda bahaya kehamilan serta rendahnya motivasi untuk memeriksakan kehamilannya. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan di Puskesmas Tambakrejo dari 6 ibu hamil diperoleh 4 ibu hamil tidak mengerti dan 2 ibu hamil mengerti tentang tanda-tanda bahaya kehamilan dan pentingnya pemeriksaan kehamilan secara teratur. Tujuan penelitian ini …
The pain in the mother before child birth due to uterine contractions and the resulting is chemia cervical dilatation and dismissed on uterus. Stresor physiological fearturns can cause uterine contractions. Village Bulurejo District of Diwek Jombang obtained many husbands who do not do the back massase technique to his wife just before labor. The purpose of this study was to determine the motiv…