Pemberian makanan pendamping ASI kepada bayi sebelum usia 4 bulan masih banyak dilakukan di Indonesia terutama didaerah pedesaan. Hasil riset terakhir di Indonesia menunjukan bahwa bayi yang mendapatkan MP ASI sebelum berumur 6 bulan lebih banyak terserang diare,semelit,batuk-pilek,panas dibandingkan bayi yang hanya mendapatkan ASI Eksklusif dan ini masih banyak dilakukan di Desa Kertorejo Ngor…
Antenatal Care is planned program for pregnant mother, to get safe process of pregnancy and birth. Participation of husband to ANC visit influenced by knowledge level of husband to ANC visit. Based on preliminary study by interview in Jombang Village Kab Jombang to 1o pregnant mothers known that 6 of 10 pregnant mothers that check up to midwife are not accompanied by their husbands with reason …
Dimasa era globalisasi emansipasi wanita sudah tidak bisa diragukan lagi, dalam sebuah keluarga suami dan isteri memilki peranan yang sama (egaliter) Dukungan suami merupaka salah satu sumber dukungan sosial yang berasal dari lingkungan keluarga. Dukungan suami akan berpengaruh pada psikologis ibu hamil. Peran keluarga khusunya suami sangat diperlukan bagi ibu hamil. Berdasarkan hasil studi pe…
Indonesia angka kejadian dismenore terdiri dari 54,89% disminore primer dan 9,36% disminore sekunder. Sebesar 30 – 70% remaja wanita mengobati nyeri haidnya dengan obat anti nyeri yang dijual bebas. Studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan di SMK Negeri 1 Bangkalan, Madura tanggal 31 Mei 2014 pada siswi usia 15 – 18 tahun, dari 10 siswi terdapat 8 siswi (80%) mengalami nyeri saat haid dan mengkonsu…
patient out of bed and guide him as soon as possible to move / walk. And early mobilization is expected to train post partum women to learn to move right oblique, left oblique, sit or when it's strong learning to walk. The purpose of research is to know the motivation of post partum women in doing early mobilization in village of Gabus Banaran district.Tembelang regency. Jombang.rnThis type of …
Food is the basic cause of obesity, dental caries, and constipation in children age. A busy working mom and also lazy were proven to behave giving instant food.Based on preliminary study that was done at Independent practice midwife Erdina A.R. Amd, Keb In in Grogol Village Diwek District Jombang Regencyon March 30, 2014 with interview method to 10 mothers who had children aged 3-5 years was f…
Early mobilization is the policy as soon as possible to guide the mother out of bed and guide as soon as possible to walk, due to early mobilization can lead to an increase in body temperature and cause infection. The purpose of this study was to determine maternal motivation in doing post sectio Caesarea early mobilization in room Jasmine RSUD district Jombang.rnThe design study is a descripti…
Early initiation of breastfeeding is the nipple search behavior of mother shortly after birth, the first hour is expected to be able to brestfeed their own babies and managed to find the mother. Phenomenon that exists today is the lack of management of early initiation of breastfeeding caused one support from family, especially the husband earned less mothers to early initiation of breastfeedin…
Pregnant women classes are pregnant women study groups with gestational agernbetween 20 weeks to 32 weeks with a maximum number of participants. Pregnantrnwomen in this class will learn together, discuss and echange experiences onrnmaternal and child health thoroughly and systematically and it can be done onrnscheduled basis and continuously. As a new government program, the class ofrnpregnant …