patient out of bed and guide him as soon as possible to move / walk. And early mobilization is expected to train post partum women to learn to move right oblique, left oblique, sit or when it's strong learning to walk. The purpose of research is to know the motivation of post partum women in doing early mobilization in village of Gabus Banaran district.Tembelang regency. Jombang.rnThis type of …
Food is the basic cause of obesity, dental caries, and constipation in children age. A busy working mom and also lazy were proven to behave giving instant food.Based on preliminary study that was done at Independent practice midwife Erdina A.R. Amd, Keb In in Grogol Village Diwek District Jombang Regencyon March 30, 2014 with interview method to 10 mothers who had children aged 3-5 years was f…
Early mobilization is the policy as soon as possible to guide the mother out of bed and guide as soon as possible to walk, due to early mobilization can lead to an increase in body temperature and cause infection. The purpose of this study was to determine maternal motivation in doing post sectio Caesarea early mobilization in room Jasmine RSUD district Jombang.rnThe design study is a descripti…
Early initiation of breastfeeding is the nipple search behavior of mother shortly after birth, the first hour is expected to be able to brestfeed their own babies and managed to find the mother. Phenomenon that exists today is the lack of management of early initiation of breastfeeding caused one support from family, especially the husband earned less mothers to early initiation of breastfeedin…
Pregnant women classes are pregnant women study groups with gestational agernbetween 20 weeks to 32 weeks with a maximum number of participants. Pregnantrnwomen in this class will learn together, discuss and echange experiences onrnmaternal and child health thoroughly and systematically and it can be done onrnscheduled basis and continuously. As a new government program, the class ofrnpregnant …
Today, many cases of skin disease that occurs in infants. Diaper rash is a skin disease that often affects infants. This is because incorrect use of disposable diapers. According to the Journal of Pediatrics in 2012 found 58% 1 month old baby diaper rash after wearing a disposable diaper. . Based on preliminary studies in Puskesmas Jelakombo, Plandi village is the highest village of diaper rash…
In early pregnancy, some women experience nausea accompanied with or without vomiting (morning sickness) that can occur as a result of elevated levels of hCG (hormone chorionic Gonadroyhopin) and carbohydrate metabolism disorder that can occur anxiety (Lowdermik & Perry, 2004). This study used a design dieskriptif, the population is all pregnant women experience morning sickness in the village …
One cause of mortality in newborns is Jaundice is a yellow color that appears on the skin and mucosa due to increased bilirubin. Based on a preliminary study conducted in BPM Lilis Menganto Village District of Mojowarno in 5 pregnant women pregnant women only one who has made the prevention of jaundice in the form of regular ante natal care, of nutrition and breast care in preparation for early…
Intra Uterine Device (UID) Contraception is one of effective ways that is very prioritized the using by BKKBN. Nowadays the using of contraception use of Intra Uterine Device (IUD) is still low. Negative perception of society to Intra Uterine Device (UID) Contraception can cause low of contraception use of Intra Uterine Device (IUD). This research is done to identify perception of mother about …
Iron deficiency anemia is the cause of most nutritional anemia worldwide. This happens due tornlack of iron in the blood, meaning that the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood is reduced byrndisruption of cell formation red blood cells due to lack of iron levels in the blood. An estimated 4 torn5 billion children have iron deficiency anemia, and 90% occur in developing countries that lead t…