Baby blues syndrome adalah perasaan sedih yang dialami oleh sekitar 50-80% wanita setelah melahirkan. Umumnya terjadi 14 hari setelah melahirkan, rncenderung lebih buruk sekitar hari ke 3-4 setelah persalinan. Sedangkan menurut rnpengamatan yang dilakukan peneliti di Poned Puskesmas Plumpang telahrnditemukan ibu nifas yang mengalami baby blues syndrome sebanyak 17 orang d…
Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is normal and is often regarded as a normal consequence recognized early in pregnancy without great impact it has had on women and their families. The lack of a husband's role in pregnancy will have an impact on the wife, the wife was not getting the attention that would affect the regularity wife in examinations pregnancy . This is because the husband is bu…
Salah satu indikator untuk mengetahui derajat kesehatan masyarakat adalah angka kematian bayi. Angka kematian bayi di Indonesia saat ini masih tergolong tinggi. Sampai saat ini, penyebab utama morbiditas dan mortalitas neonatal di seluruh dunia adalah prematur. Di Jombang terdapat 144 bayi lahir prematur, di Bandar Kedungmulyo 12 kasus. Berdasarkan survey yang dilakukan pada 5 ibu hamil di Desa…
Senam nifas sebaiknya dilakukan dalam waktu 24 jam setelah melahirkan, kemudian dilakukan secara teratur setiap hari. Namun pada umumnya para ibu sering merasa takut melakukan gerakan setelah persalinan. Ibu biasanya khawatir gerakan yang dilakukan akan menimbulkan dampak yang tidak diinginkan. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan di Desa sumbermulyo kecamatan jogoroto, Kabupaten Jomban…
Diabetes in pregnancy is not enough known by pregnant women in general.rnPregnant women who have had a history of having a baby with 4000gr weight or obesernmothers often ignore it and without further examination in subsequent pregnancies. Thernpurpose of this study is to identify how much the attitude of pregnant women withrndiabetes mellitus in pregnancy.rnThis research is descriptive. The po…
ARI is a risk factor for hight mordibity in infants. So it is important to maintain a healthrnyenvironment for the baby to a voidrespiratory disease.Besed on preliminari studiesrnswere one on 10 women in the village Bareng District Bareng Jombang. Date showedrnthat 3 mother savoidcigarette smoke and keep the baby from family member swhosufferrnfrom respiratory in factions, whereas 7of them do n…
Adolescence is a period of transition or the transition from childhood to adulthood. Style courting youth of today are not healthy because it is no longer heed the moral values and considerations of logic. Based on the results of a preliminary study with interviews conducted through interviews with 10 engineering students in grade 8 SMPN1 Kabuh, it was found that out of 10 teenagers, six teenag…
Acne is a common problem faced by many people especially teenagers, both male and female. Increase in androgen hormones make teens prone skin against acne problems, stress factors and lack of personal hygiene, especially in the face. This study aims to identify the behavior of adolescents aged 16-18 years about acne treatment with a single variable. Research is a descriptive study with a sample…
ASUHAN KEBIDANAN KOMPREHENSIF PADA NY”A” DENGAN USIA TERLALU TUA DI BPM DEWI SUNDARI DESA SAWIJI KECAMATAN JOGOROTO KABUPATEN JOMBANGrnrnErlin Oktavia.N*Harnanik Nawangsari**Dhita Yuniar rnrnABSTRAKrnrnUsia terlalu tua adalah salah satu masalah yang berpengaruh paada pada ibu hamil dari masa kehamilan sampai masa nifas,merupakan salah satu penyebab perdarahahn yang dapat mengakibatkan kemat…