Role is a set of behaviors that are associated with a hat makepictular position. Different role to make the type of rnconduct that is different, but what wake the behavior that is appropside in a given situation and are not appropsiate rnin other situation are relatively independent (free) on someone who funs. The role this research aims to know the rnrelationship role parents exercise with the…
Breastfeeding technique is one of the factors that affect milk production. Hasil Preliminary studies in room Melati Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Jombang on April 7, 2014 at 7 breastfeeding mothers get the results of the interview in 5 mothers said not to wash their hands before feeding, infant feeding is not necessary until the mammary areola and the observation of 5 people with the techni…
Problem often faced by girls when menstruation comes was dismenore. In Indonesia, especially inrnEast Java, Jombang, there are 9.678 girls who experienced dismenore. dismenore is a natural rnprocess that often occurs in every girl, but dismenore or menstrual pain can interfere daily rnactivities. The purpose of this study was to know the effect of counseling t…
Based on data from Jombang Health Service in 2013 the incidence of disease in infeksi saluran pernafasan akut (ISPA)rnin infants in Jombang number of 20 869, while the amount of disease in infeksi saluran pernafasan akut (ISPA) inrninfants most at PHC 3700 Bareng a toddler. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge relationshipsrnwith parents' attitudes about infeksi saluran pern…
The toddler should have appropriate stimulation and directed in order to achieve an rnoptimal growth. Stimulation of targeted and appropriate for young children (toddlers) are included rnon the principles of early childhood education programs, so that early childhood education is very rnhelpful in shaping the structure of a child's development. The purpose of this study was to analyze rndiffe…
Indonesia is a country that entered the era of elderly structured population (aging structured rnpopulation). The increasing number of elderly will cause problems especially in terms of health rnand prosperous of elderly. To maintain and improve the health of elderly, personal hygiene is one rnof basic factors because individuals with good personal hygiene will have low risk of dis…
DBD is one of cases that often happens in area of people community. In Indonesiarnespecially in Esat Java, Jombang 503 suffers DBD. DBD is caused by mosquitoes of AedesrnAegepty while the mosquitoes often nested in sewer, because in the sewer mosquitoes canrnbreed so that the number of the mosquitoes get increase. The purpose of this research tornknow effect of counseling about DBD to family at…
The adaptation behavior of patients after attack stroke which have not been optimal and rnlack of families member ability in providing handling after stroke will influence on treatments rnfastness after strokepasca. In 2012 the sufferers of stroke were as many as 69625 people. rnThe purpose of this research was to determine the adaptation behavior of patients afte r rnattack stroke in Flamboya…
Toddler are esay attacked by diarrhea, mother not respond appropriate diarrhea experience by rnchildren. Mother should do first gandling of diarrhea by giving lost liquid and giving of food. The rnHighest incident of diarrhea happens in Puskesmas of Bareng year 2013 a number 2069 diarrhea rncases, period of January to March 2014 diarrhea incident to toddler aged 1-4 year a number of 86 rntoddl…