Tingginya Angka Kematian Ibu sering kali terjadi karena adanya istilah 3 terlambat yaitu : terlambat mengambil keputusan dalam memberi pertolongan pada ibu hamil dan melahirkan, terlambat membawa ke tempat pelayanan kesehatan dan terlambatnya tenaga medis memberikan pertolongan. Keterlambatan ini dapat terjadi salah satunya karena kemiskinan dan pengetahuan yang rendah terhadap tanda-tanda pe…
Pemberian susu formula dengan botol yang tidak sesuai prosedur dapat meningkatkan risiko diare karena kuman dan monoliasis mulut yang meningkat, sebagai akibat dari pengadaan air dan sterilisasi yang kurang baik. Penggunaan susu formula yang tidak benar atau tidak tepat dapat menimbulkan bahaya kesehatan. Susu formula merupakan media yang baik bagi pertumbuhan bakteri, sehingga kontaminasi muda…
Early initiation of breastfeeding counseling is the provision of information alone baby starts to suckle soon after birth. The results of a preliminary study, conducted on May 21 and June 17, 2014 at the health center Sumobito and Japanan Jombang survey results obtained at the health center on 3 Midwives Japanan found that agree to Early initiation counseling during pregnancy by 1 person, while…
Dalam masa nifas untuk mempercepat pemulihan kesehatan ibu nifas memerlukan kebutuhan dasar yang seimbang,salah satunya ialah istirahat siang selama 2 jam dan malam selama 7-8 jam sehari. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan di BPM Ny.Purwatiningsih Amd.Keb Desa Dukuh Arum Kecamatan Megaluh Kabupaten Jombang tanggal 26 Maret 2014 ditemukan data 12 orang ibu nifas dengan 8 orang tidur < 8 jam, 4 orang …
BCG (Bacillus Calmette Guerin) immunization is very important for babies,but many mothers are not aware of it. This ini due to the lack of awareness of mothers to prevent disease and busy work in the fields making no time to bring her baby for BCG immunization. Based on preliminary studies with an interview on 10 mothers with babies,3 have strong motivation and 7 have weak motivation to immuniz…
A disorder of growing cause the high number of death and a reduction in potential learn from children, and endurance to infected disease.The implications of this are the onset of disability; the high number of pain, and early death.Based on the study of the prelude in the village of bandung on 10 april 2014 been gained 10 toddlers the age of 1-5 years where there are 2 toddlers saw higher growt…
Chronic energy deficiency (CED) in pregnant women are malnourished pregnant women long-lasting (several months or years). With the results of preliminary studies conducted on May 21, 2014 in the village of the Sub district Pundong Diwek Jombang survey showed that of the three people affected by chronic energy deficiency (CED) no one person is caused by a lack of knowledge about nutrition, there…
Masturbation is a non-penetrating sexual genetal organ tool deliberate sexual stimulation to the genital organs to obtain sexual pleasure and satisfaction. According to WHO it has very high sexual deviance it is, more than 985 million in 2011. According to Indonesian statistics, sexual deviation reaches 56% of the number of teenagers in Indonesia. Health dept of Jombang in 2012 the number of me…
Teens face pre menstrual syndrome with a positive attitude, mostly teenagers aged 14-19 years face menstrual syndrome with negative attitudes and deviant of health such as drinking herbal and anti-pain medication at the time of her breasts cramps and abdominal pain. Based on preliminary studies in 5 MAN Jombang on 10 student interviews daughters Pre Menstrual Syndrome gained experience that is …
Breast Care during pregnancy trimester III is one of the key parts to be aware of as preparation in breast feeding. Many mothers who breastfeed their babies would not have complained, usually caused by factors of breast care techniques that are not done by pregnant women especially at the III trimester so that could lead to putting milk in.This research aims to know the description of the attit…